BPWCR - Empowering Women to Realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Business & Professional Women CR z.s. (BPWCR) is one of the most influential international network platforms of business and professional women with more than 200+ members in the Czech Republic, based in Prague. It´s international motherhood branch was founded in 1930 with help of Czech brave women Františka Plamínková and has an advisory status by the UN and participative status with the Council of Europe. Its members include influential women leaders, entrepreneurs, business owners, executives, professionals and young business and professional women. Mission: A highly respected organization striving to strengthen the position of women at work, equal opportunities, increase the number of women in decision-making positions and organize a massive communication campaign for #equalpay. The organization is preparing projects to support women, who are disadvantaged or at risk in the labor market, including women 50+. BPWCR develops the professional, business and leadership potential of talented women through (speed) mentoring, networking, advocacy and educational programs. The members strengthen women's solidarity, expand cooperation with other women's organizations worldwide, promote the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and are involved in other UN Women projects, such as the ambassadoring to Women Empowerment Principles.
•Aim: We aim to unite thoughts, acting and fair rules as a society theme.
•Work for: women's economic independence and safety equal opportunities and equal representation in economic, civil and political life cultivating men to create a nurturing environment in work
•Encourage and support women and girls to: develop their professional and leadership potential undertake lifelong education and training cooperate and support each other
•Advocate: for the elimination of all discrimination against women for human rights and the use of gender-sensitive perspectives to remove the barriers and show the existing role models
•Undertake: world-wide networking and cooperation fair projects that help women gain economic independence BPWCR has many years of strong experience in creating and managing campaigns (communication and media), addressing the general public or employers through cooperation with the media partners and the massive use of its social networks. We strive to ensure fair working conditions and fair pay.