Italy-Unione dei Comuni "Valle del Patrì"

The Union of Valli del Patrì Municipalities is made up of 4 Municipalities in the Province of Messina: Castroreale, Terme Vigliatore, Fondachelli Fantina and Rodì Milici. The Union has among its main objectives the promotion of the socio-economic development of its territory and meeting the needs of citizens by providing responses that meet their needs. From this perspective, the Union is particularly active in the optimization of financial, human and instrumental resources, supporting in particular a policy of valorisation and promotion of initiatives in the social field, implemented both by institutions and by voluntary associations, considered appropriate -fundamental activities for improving the quality of life of the population. The Union promotes the integration process of minorities present in its territory, through synergistic actions with local NGOs and with the active involvement of citizens.
